Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Just a Note

Dear Junior parents,
The semester has finished and the Junior students have accomplished so much. They have been involved with their English classes, met their friends, done their homework, participated in so many different activities, and visited the Resource Centers with the American Space environment.
Junior 1, 2, 3, and 4 / Junior Light 1 teachers and I have the pleasure to share a few of the projects in which the students were involved. Just click on your children's teacher's name to see what they have done. You are also invited to check the projects other groups have developed.
We are all so glad to be part of your children's development. 
Thank you for choosing Thomas.
Domingos Di Lello
Junior Course Supervisor

Monday, July 24, 2017

Mini Chef Workshop

The students who participated in the Mini Chef Workshop in May had a great time. Have a look at the photos.

Asa Sul


Asa Norte

Águas Claras


Saturday, July 15, 2017

Junior 3 - Segunda e Quarta 9:00 - 10:30 - Sudoeste

Junior 3
Segunda e Quarta 9:00 - 10:30

Depois de ter estudado partes da casa, Família e ações, os alunos desenharam uma casa onde colaram os familiares fazendo alguma coisa. Depois disso, eles iam rodando na sala e perguntando e respondendo de acordo com a Casa na sua frente. Where´s ....? What´s he/she doing?